Hunting Real World Utility in NFTs

Here's something that happens: a 5k+ NFT collection is released with a slew of promised benefits. Metaverse! Staking! ERC-20s!

So much good stuff I'm getting drained just thinking about it.

I don't need to keep writing? You know where this is going? Some decent marketing, a reasonably hyped launch, "maybe this time a team nailed it and it's different?"

It's not.

Which begs the question: what is both consistently valuable and technically feasible today?


Think about the last concert you went to.

Pop quiz: what's objectively better, nosebleed or front row seats? Right, so we'd all like to be within a few feet of the Rolling Stones, Rihanna, Drake, whoever.

Drake, Summer Sixteen Tour (2016)
Drake, Summer Sixteen Tour (2016)

But it doesn't end there. You know what's cooler than front row seats?

The back stage access pass.

I mean, peak cool is going back stage and getting to meet Mick Jagger, right?

False. You know what's cooler than going back stage to meet Mick Jagger?

Dinner with Mick Jagger.

Ok so the takeaway here is there are tiers of access from the nosebleed seats (at least you got into the arena!) all the way to one-on-one dinner.

So our first principle: tiered access.


Dunbar's Number is about 150 and essentially represents the limit of folks you can maintain stable social relationships with.

We've all been in tight-knit groups - whether it be at work, in a Discord, whatever - where we feel like we know everyone. Perhaps not in a super deep personal way, but in a general sense.

We’ve all been in servers with 10k+ people chatting and it's useless. The magic really seems to happen around Dunbar's Number - even virtually.

Which brings us to our second principle: incredibly small collection sizes.


Holder benefits all too often do not need to be rocket science in my opinion. Some simple gatherings to hang out and get…access? Not complex.

Cocktails. Dinner. Sports game.

Token-gate on Discord today, ready to execute tomorrow.

Third principle: KISS - keep it simple, stupid.


Ever been at a party and get, "if you could have dinner with anybody alive, who would it be?" Any individual named is notable, because ostensibly they have 1000 true fans.

Artists. Athletes. Musicians. Comedians.

These are all people with audiences that just want to be a little closer to them.

Last principle: individuals with 1000+ true fans.


Tiered access, tiny collection size with easy to execute benefits, and true fandom.

Much like premium VeeFriends access tokens, but in vastly smaller quantity:


So in practice, what is the floor of this prospective collection:

  • Commons get a 30 min Zoom twice a year

  • Rares get dinner once a year plus the Zooms

  • Ultra-rare gets a full-day hang out once a year plus the Zooms and the dinner

  • 15 commons, four rares, one ultra-rare = 20 total tokens

  • Benefits coordinated through token-gated Discord channels

  • The individual? Joe Rogan

Over/under 10 ETH?


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DISCLAIMER: The content posted here does not, and is not intended to, constitute financial advice. Readers should work with a financial advisor to determine whether cryptocurrencies and NFTs are applicable to or appropriate for their particular situation.

Furthermore, there are risks involved in making any investment in cryptocurrencies/NFTs. None of the information presented herein is intended to form the basis of any offer or recommendation or have any regard to the investment objectives, financial situation, or needs of any specific person, and that includes you, my dear reader. Caveat lector!

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