The Loudest Voice in the Room

In the military, leaders often say they “spend 90% of their time with 10% of the people.”

If you’ve ever been in a leadership position, you’ve probably experienced this. You inherit your team of 10, nine can do the job and perhaps need a tune-up here or there. Generally, they are off to the races.

Then there is that one guy.

Maybe he struggles to do the job, maybe he isn’t reliable, or maybe you just get a bad feeling in your gut. But you end up spending a disproportionate amount of time with this goon coaching and correcting him. The rest of the team recognizes the dynamic at play, looks over their shoulder, and cringes watching the misfit stumble through the day while the leader makes sure he doesn’t make a mess.

And who would’ve guessed it - NFT communities are no different!

For every nine holders content seeing where the ship is headed (whether it’s going to be a tropic cruise or Titanic 2.0) there is one holder who will scream and shout and let it all out. Center stage in Discord, first up on group voice chats, etc. Don’t worry about attempting to uncover their opinions - they will aggressively and relentlessly let you know what they are!

As a result, while the vast majority of an NFT community quietly observes and participates, founders feel the need to wrangle the petulant child.

I don’t blame them! These individuals can accrue undue influence because, well, they talk the most. Therefore, they become the founders’ focal point.

The impact of the loudest voice exceeds Discord: think about the crypto Twitter accounts that not only rack up the most Tweet volume but also inject endless controversial statements. The algorithm aggressively feeds you the spiciness because these oftentimes pessimistic takes keep you reading. Why?

Because optimism sounds like a sales pitch; pessimism sounds like someone trying to help you out.

Your lizard brain fight or flight mechanism is activated: oh no! I must defend my [magic internet bean] precious resources, which are about to be pillaged by a bunch of degenerate paperhanders who won’t hold the [Maginot] line of a floor price.

Even if founders know that most holders are happy/patient/etc, they themselves are left feeling on the defensive whenever it seems like the house is burning down due to the megaphones of the few. Perhaps one solution is listening more to objective data provided through wide-reaching holder surveys over a vocal minority.

Personally, I believe in quality words over quantity, which is why this blog is so inconsistent by design. If something needs to be said, I’ll post it. Otherwise, I try to sit back and vacuum up information and data.

A bit more quiet listening and understanding, a bit less loud voices.


DISCLAIMER: The content posted here does not, and is not intended to, constitute financial advice. Readers should work with a financial advisor to determine whether cryptocurrencies and NFTs are applicable to or appropriate for their particular situation.

Furthermore, there are risks involved in making any investment in cryptocurrencies/NFTs. None of the information presented herein is intended to form the basis of any offer or recommendation or have any regard to the investment objectives, financial situation, or needs of any specific person, and that includes you, my dear reader. Caveat lector!

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